Wood figures, Scripture booklets, and environments for the Good Shepherd parable or the parable of the Found Sheep

Figures and environments can be ordered unfinished or painted.

Good Shepherd/Found Sheep Parable Figures:

Please note: only the Good Shepherd and sheep figures are relevant to the parable of the Found Sheep.

  • Good Shepherd set - Good Shepherd figure + 10 sheep (5 heads up, 5 heads down)
  • individual Good Shepherd
  • wolf
  • hireling 
  • individual sheep - head up
  • individual sheep - head down

Good Shepherd/Found Sheep Parable Environments:

  • Sheepfold - circular, wooden base with insert-able walls scored to look like stone (no gate, but only an empty segment in the wall)
  • Pasture - circular, wooden base

Good Shepherd/Found Sheep Parable Scripture Booklets:

  • Parable of the Good Shepherd, Level 1 (John 10:3b-5, 10b-11, 14-16 - no mention of the wolf and hireling)
  • Parable of the Good Shepherd, Level 2 (John 10:3-5, 10-16 - includes the wolf and hireling)
  • Parable of the Good Shepherd, Complete (John 10:1-18 - the entire parable including "the Gate," not an official CGS material)
  • Parable of the Found Sheep (Luke 15:4-7)

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CGS Atrium Parable: Good Shepherd/Found Sheep: Figures and Environments

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Tags: CGS atrium materials, catechesis of the good shepherd, catholic montessori, CGS, atrium, level 1, level 2, Scripture, life of Christ, parables, moral formation, GoodShepherd